Monday, May 26, 2008

How it all came to be

Lets get started. Me and Rachael met on September 15 2004. We were set up on a blind date (crazy enough). I had been working 12 hours days and she was going to school and it seemed like no one had time for anything. So our friend invited us to go out for ice cream real quick one night and we hit it off. I had just gotton out of the shower and we were getting ready to leave when Rachael showed up and I have to admit that it was a sight that I will never forget. She was average height because of the 4 inch heels she was wearing. She had this long blondish red hair and a body to do die for. hahahaha. We went out and hit it off. That night we talked until 2 in the morning about everything. It was like a month later when we had our first kiss. I think she kissed me but she says I kissed her but either way we kissed. After that it was all over with. We dated for a year and were married in the Salt Lake Temple on August 26. It was amazing. Rachael was all dressed up in her elaborate white dress and me in my stylish tux. The day was great. All we could think about was each other and of course the cruise we were about to go on which was a first for both of us.
They put us at the alter and we had the chance to listen to council from the man who married us, and then it began.
The words that would seal us together for time and all eternity. We sat there listening and looking into the eyes of each other. I'm not quite sure about all that was said but I do know at the end we both said yes and it has been the best thing we have done in our lives.


Rebecca said...

I love your blog! It is very artistic and you can tell how much you love Rachael and Afton. Those pictures of Afton are so Cute!

Melanie said...

Welcome to the world of blogging you guys! Keep posting often . . .I'm so glad that we can now keep in touch this way. Afton is beautiful, can't wait to see more pictures of her!

Mark, Eko and Leoniss Burroughs said...

I love the way you talk about your girls. Your words are so full of love. You need to update your blog tho.